Dear St. Matthew’s Family,

Greetings from Michigan! I’m enjoying some vacation time with my family. I’ll see you when I return on July 12. Until then I wanted to share some brief information.

I want to let you know the Kathy Lundgren has decided to retire from her role as the Assistant Director of the Day School in September. Kathy will continue to work as the Music Director at St Matthew’s but will step away from the Day School after helping to onboard her replacement. Kathy has worked with the Day School for 38 years in a variety of roles, including stepping into the role of Interim Day School Director for much of 2021. Kathy gives her heart to the needs of the Day School every day, and she has vast institutional knowledge—she will be missed at the Day School! We will keep you informed of the transition including a time for a celebration of her service as it is scheduled. For now, feel free to thank Kathy for all that she has done with and for the Day School.

On Sunday June 26, a group met after worship to begin to think about what might be our Bible story for the 50th Anniversary mural to be painted during worship on October 2. The group came up with a few general thoughts that circled around themes that have much relevance to our work and mission here at St. Matthew’s: Come and See; Spirit of Service and Outreach; Called to Serve; Called and Empowered to Serve; I am with you always… They brought up some questions such as: What does God have in store for us? And what is our witness? They spoke of specific Bible stories: John 1:35-42; Matthew 28; Acts 1; On the Road to Emmaus, Luke 24.

I want to keep encouraging that group and anyone else who is interested in the outcome of the mural to think and pray about what might be the story that connects with St. Matthew’s as a community now and where we hope to head in the future. As we consider what the story should be, remember that we are working with an artist who knows how to depict the stories. What we need to think about is what story or theme speaks to us and why. Do we relate to the theme of being on a journey? Or resurrection? Is it communion, or the kind of service that draws us to wash another’s feet? The possibilities are many. If you have ideas, please feel free to email me.

We will gather again after worship on July 17 for those who are interested and able to join in the discussion.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Kirsten