The ACTS Food Pantry provides over 50,000 lbs of food each month to those in need in the surrounding community.

The first Sunday of every month, you are invited to donate food items to help supply the ACTS Food Pantry.

Please drop off all donations at the church by 2:00 PM on the first Sunday of the month. A list of items needed is provided on the ACTS website at

The ACTS Food Pantry aims to provide its clients with nutritious foods. Please keep these tips in mind when selecting items to donate:

  • Limit foods high in fat and sugar. Consider donating foods high in fiber and low in added sugars (i.e fruit packed in 100 % juice rather than syrup, cereal with less than 6 g of sugar)
  • Packaged foods are often high in sodium. Look for foods labeled “low sodium,” “reduced sodium” or “no added salt”
  • Whole grains – Look for brown rice and other whole-grain products. By consuming whole-grain foods, families get more fiber and vitamins with each bite.